ShichimiFX – Yet another JavaFX utils lib

ShichimiFX is a small lib containing helper/util classes extracted from my other projects which I commonly need. The lib will be extended if it turns out that I need a util class in more than one project… (Shichimi is my favorite Japanese spice mixture) And yes it also yet another utils lib containing (among others):… Continue Reading ShichimiFX – Yet another JavaFX utils lib

FontAwesomeFX: 4.0.1 support

Refer for latest updates here. Hi, I just have updated FontAwesomeFX to support currently released FontAwesome 4.0.1 with all of it’s 369 Icons. Please note that some enum values have been changed, e.g. former AwesomeIcon.SIGNOUT is now AwesomeIcon.SIGN_OUT. Also I have added some convenience methods to the helper class: AwesomeDude.setIcon(TreeItem treeItem, AwesomeIcon icon) { AwesomeDude.setIcon(TreeItem… Continue Reading FontAwesomeFX: 4.0.1 support