JavaFX on Raspberry Pi: runfxapp v1.1

I have updated my runfxapp skript: Feel free to load it: runfxapp 1.1 Please find installation instructions and usage hints in my previous post. #!/bin/bash # ############################################################# # # Script: runfxapp # # Start JavaFX apps more conveniently. # # (c) copyright 2013 Jens Deters,, # ############################################################# JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0 JAVA_MAIN=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java LIBS=/opt/pi4j/lib/*:/opt/lib/* SCRIPT=$0 EXIT_SUCCESS=0 EXIT_FAILURE=1… Continue Reading JavaFX on Raspberry Pi: runfxapp v1.1

Custom Component: SelectableTitledPane

I’m working on a form to provide search criteria to find pictures in picmodo. My goal is to provide a very easy to use interface. Each search criteria is represented by a SelectableTitledPane which contains the parameter settings. Basically I have set a CheckBox as graphic component of a TitlePane and modified the CSS of… Continue Reading Custom Component: SelectableTitledPane

Custom Component: Starter with hover effect

I was looking for a starter component for to use on the dock like main entry page of our application. It should have a hover effect on mouse enter/ mouse exit and a start effect on mouse click. As JavaFX has already very useful Transition implementations I gave the ScaleTransition a try. I wanted a… Continue Reading Custom Component: Starter with hover effect

JavaFX in Action: picmodo-teasers (updated 19-04-2013)

I have uploaded two teasers of my current spare-time project “picmodo” (it’s yet another network based picture DB). The GUI shown in the clips is in german language, but i18n is supported of course ;-). Picmodo – Login: Picmodo – Login failed: Picmodo – Upload new pictures: Picmodo – Export Pictures: Picmodo – Search Pictures:

JavaFX on Raspberry Pi: runfxapp

Running JavaFX Apps on RaspberryPi with JDK 8 needs still some command “overhead” like: sudo /opt/jdk1.8.0/bin/java -Djavafx.platform=eglfb -cp \ /opt/jdk1.8.0/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar:/tmp/JavaFXSamples/Stopwatch.jar \ stopwatch.MainScreen To start apps more conveniently I wrote a small bash-skript: runfxapp (as shell-skript code is ugly I skip posting it here ;-)) Copy this skript to somewhere on $PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin) and set… Continue Reading JavaFX on Raspberry Pi: runfxapp

Using ‘Font Awesome’ Icons with JavaFX [Update 2]

Refer for latest updates here. For a more convenient usage I have created a Maven Artifact of my little project (should be available via Maven Central). Dependency to WebJar Maven-Repo is included, thus you just have to add: <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>fontawesomefx</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </dependency>

Using ‘Font Awesome’ Icons with JavaFX [Update 1]

Refer for latest updates here. I have revisited the code and made some improvements: Get the complete source code here: Now using WebJar Maven-Repo instead of “/font/awesome.ttf” <dependency> <groupId>org.webjars</groupId> <artifactId>font-awesome</artifactId> <version>3.0.0</version> </dependency> Absolute Path to Awesome Font is now /META-INF/resources/webjars/font-awesome/3.0.0/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf AwesomeIcons class is now an Character-Enum instead of static Strings mappings public enum AwesomeIcons… Continue Reading Using ‘Font Awesome’ Icons with JavaFX [Update 1]