FontAwesomeFX 8.0.9 with 40 new icons

I have updated FontAwesomeFX and released version 8.0.9. A few days ago the FontAwesome 4.2.0 was released with 40 additional icons (FontAwesome now contains 479 icons). Also I added a simple browser to preview all contained icons. You can start it via: de.jensd.fx.fontawesome.test.IconOverview Download Binaries Sources @ Bitbucket Maven Artifact: <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>fontawesomefx</artifactId> <version>8.0.9</version> </dependency>

Poor mans input constraints

For me the best way to prevent the user from annoying errors and error messages is simply in the first line to try not to allow the user e.g. to enter invalid data or to execute actions while data in incomplete (disabled buttons/menu entries). If only numbers allowed in an input field I think its… Continue Reading Poor mans input constraints

TabPaneDetacher: Make your tabs detachable

I though it would be cool to detach e.g. the pane to publish messages in MQTT.fx if needed by just dragging the tab and dropping it at the wanted position to open its content as a dedicated new window. The TabPaneDetacher provides an easy to use way to enable the detach capability of with any… Continue Reading TabPaneDetacher: Make your tabs detachable

UI logic with using JavaFX Bindings

For MQTT.fx I needed a ComboBox to enter new Topics or to choose recent topics from list. But I want the user to enter or choose only (more or less) reasonable values otherwise the “Publish”/”Subscribe” buttons should be disabled: Using the JavaFX Bindings API prevents some boilerplate code (implementing Listeners) and it is even more… Continue Reading UI logic with using JavaFX Bindings

At your Service!

The Service class (javafx.concurrency.Service) may not only be used to keep the UI reactive on long duration tasks but can also be used to change the state of controls or keep UI in a reasonable state on short term actions. Recall that a Service is like a reusable Task. A Task can be executed once… Continue Reading At your Service!