FontAwesomeFX 8.0.13 released

FontAwesomeFX 8.0.13 comes with 40 new icons (FontAwesome 4.3.0) Many thanks to Steffen Rachner for his pull request! Download Binaries: Download Sources available at Bitbucket Maven: <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>fontawesomefx</artifactId> <version>8.0.13</version> </dependency>

JFXPanel and FX Platform Thread pitfalls

The JFXPanel is a component to embed JavaFX content into (legacy ;-)) Swing applications. Basically it makes it very easy to combine both tookits, but there are some pitfalls to master: Both UI Toolkits are single threaded (Swing: EDT + JavaFX: FX Platform Thread). When used together you have to deal with these two threads,… Continue Reading JFXPanel and FX Platform Thread pitfalls

How to allow users to customize the UI

Idea Take advantage of the declarative design pattern of JavafX/FXML and allow users to customize a certain view without any coding just by opening it with e.g. SceneBuilder to re-arrange the layout or add new controls or even change the style according to the users needs. The FXML file + CSS can be basically be… Continue Reading How to allow users to customize the UI

MQTT.fx 0.0.13 released

Download latest binaries at Bugs and feature requests can be reported via the issue tracker. New in this version: Extended Scripting Features fixed issues with starting external editor to edit scripts support for subscribe/unsubscribe to Mqtt-Scripting interface Redesinged and extended Settings Dialog option to choose whether the default system editor should be use or… Continue Reading MQTT.fx 0.0.13 released

ShichimiFX 1.0.5 released

I have released ShichimiFX 1.0.5. Get more info and the code from my ShichimiFX Bitbucket Repo Maven <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>shichimifx</artifactId> <version>1.0.5</version> </dependency> UI for Refuel This release contains a Frontend for Refuel an application update API written by Dino Tsoumakis which is used with MQTT.fx 0.0.13.

ShichimiFX 1.0.4 released

I have released ShichimiFX 1.0.4. Get the code from my ShichimiFX Bitbucket Repo Maven <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>shichimifx</artifactId> <version>1.0.4</version> </dependency> This release contains 2 new utility classes I needed for MQTT.fx‘s script editing function Desktop and Shell. By now I used to open a script for editing with the system default editor via java.awt.Desktop. So far… Continue Reading ShichimiFX 1.0.4 released