FontAwesomeFX now with Java 9 modules support

I just released FontAwesomeFX 9.0.0 coming with Java 9 modules support! Font Updates Coordinates FontAwesomeFX 9.0.0 is available via Bintray / JCenter . Source code available at Bitbucket . Please report issues here .

TimeboxFX 2

When I started with JavaFX in 2012 TimeboxFX was one of my very first JavaFX apps. Recently in a meeting I wanted to use it as a gimmick and I found out that TimeboxFX needed some love… So here is the new version:

FontAwesomeFX 8.15 released

I just released FontAwesomeFX 8.15 coming with support for EmojiOne Font Icons! FontAwesomeFX 8.15 is available at Bintray. Additionally this release contains some major fixes: [NEW] Support for 1111 new EmojiOne Font Icons [NEW] Additional IconView constructor taking iconSize [FIXED] Issue #37: Icon resizes on mouse hover when using glyph-size different than 1em [FIXED] Issue #45:… Continue Reading FontAwesomeFX 8.15 released

FontAwesomeFX 8.14 released

I just released FontAwesomeFX 8.14 to Bintray. This release contains some major fixes: Fixed glyph size changing issue on mouse over Fixed Issues #44 “CSS -glyph-size broken” Also I updated the FontAwesomeFX GlyphsBrowser and the examples in respect to this release! You can find the FontAwesomeFX bintray package here. Source code available at Bitbucket Please report issues here

Minor Update of FontAwesomeFX 8.13 packages

Updated font packs available! Issues fixed when using dedicated fonts in JavaFX applications (thanks to Dirk Lemmermann (@dlemmermann) for reporting): Some people also reported font loading issues with 32bit OpenJDK. This might be related to this bug in Many thanks to Andrea Vacondio (@Torakiki610) for investigation! You can find the FontAwesomeFX bintray package here.… Continue Reading Minor Update of FontAwesomeFX 8.13 packages

FontAwesomeFX 8.13 released

Just released FontAwesomeFX 8.13 to Bintray. Revisited and updated Icon Fonts: You can find the FontAwesomeFX bintray package here. Source code available at Bitbucket Please report issues here

Introducing fontawesomefx-examples project

Some people asked me about a FontAwesomeFX tutorial. Now I started a new project: fontawesomefx-examples at GitHub! The examples will always reflect the latest version of FontAwesomeFX (currently 8.12 which can be loaded from Bintray) and I am going to extend it soon to show all stuff which provided by the lib. FontAweseomFX 8.12 release… Continue Reading Introducing fontawesomefx-examples project

Introducing FontAwesomeFX Glyphs-Browser 1.0

I created a GlyphsBrowser application to browse all Icon Fonts provided by  FontAweseomFX 8.12: (Given Java 8 > update 40 is installed on you machine) You can find the code at GitHub. Download FontAwesomeFX 8.12 from Bintray. FontAweseomFX 8.12 release informations

FontAwesomeFX 8.12 is released!

Just released FontAwesomeFX 8.12 to Bintray. Revisited and updated all Icon Fonts: Here you can find the FontAwesomeFX bintray package. Source code available at Bitbucket Please report issues here

FontAwesomeFX 8.11 is here!

Just uploaded FontAwesomeFX 8.11 to Bintray. Now included: FontAweseme 4.6.1 with 23 additional icons and a new kid on the block: 525icons Font coming with (…surprise!) 525 icons on board. Due to naming conventions and restrictions 525icons related stuff is called “icons525” in FontAwesomeFX, e.g. de.jensd.fx.glyphs.icons525.Icons525. FontAwesomeFX 8.11 compile ‘de.jensd:fontawesomefx-fontawesome:4.6.1-2’ compile ‘de.jensd:fontawesomefx-materialdesignfont:1.4.57-2’ compile ‘de.jensd:fontawesomefx-materialicons:2.1-2’ compile ‘de.jensd:fontawesomefx-octicons:3.3.0-2’… Continue Reading FontAwesomeFX 8.11 is here!