ShichimiFX 1.0.4 released

I have released ShichimiFX 1.0.4. Get the code from my ShichimiFX Bitbucket Repo Maven <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>shichimifx</artifactId> <version>1.0.4</version> </dependency> This release contains 2 new utility classes I needed for MQTT.fx‘s script editing function Desktop and Shell. By now I used to open a script for editing with the system default editor via java.awt.Desktop. So far… Continue Reading ShichimiFX 1.0.4 released

ShichimiFX 1.0.3 released

I have released ShichimiFX 1.0.3. Get the code from my ShichimiFX Bitbucket Repo Maven <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>shichimifx</artifactId> <version>1.0.3</version> </dependency> This release mostly focuses on the ConsoleStream. I have fixed some performance issues. Also optionally now an alternate stream can be given, e.g. to pass through System.out. This is used for displaying the logging stream in… Continue Reading ShichimiFX 1.0.3 released

MQTT.fx 0.0.12 released

Download latest binaries at Bugs and feature requests can be reported via the issue tracker. New in this version: MQTT version support for 3.1 and 3.1.1 The MQTT version can be set via ConnectonProfile (default: 3.1.1, if not supported by broker: 3.1) New: “Log”-tab MQTT.fx 0.0.12 introduces a new tab to capture/show the logging… Continue Reading MQTT.fx 0.0.12 released

ShichimiFX 1.0.1 released

I have added extracted some more classes from my application projects (e.g. from MQTT.fx) and added them as new features to ShichimiFX (and released 1.0.1). Get the code from my ShichimiFX Bitbucket Repo Maven <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>shichimifx</artifactId> <version>1.0.1</version> </dependency> AnimationDude Provides support for Fade-in/Fade-out-Transition of controls: AnimationDude.addInOutFadeTransition(Duration duration, Node node) AnimationDude.addInOutFadeTransition(Duration duration, Node nodeToFade, Node… Continue Reading ShichimiFX 1.0.1 released

MQTT.fx 0.0.11 released

Download latest binaries in all flavours at Bugs and feature requests can be reported via the issue tracker. UPDATE: Now available: MQTT.fx 0.0.11-1 containing a fix for wildcard handling! New in this version: Extended option menu You can now subscribe to all recent topics with one click and also unsubscrive from all topics is… Continue Reading MQTT.fx 0.0.11 released

Properties Extractor: Best way to get the ListView instantly updating its elements

This post is about how to deal with JavaFX ListViews and TableViews and how these controls are getting informed about changed content of the contained elements. I wonder why I didn’t find anything about the following pattern in the relevant books as this is a really crucial mechanism. Many posts out there suggest to force… Continue Reading Properties Extractor: Best way to get the ListView instantly updating its elements

MQTT.fx 0.0.10 released

MQTT.fx 0.0.10 was released. Download latest binaries in all flavours at Bugs and feature requests can be reported via the issue tracker. New in this version: MQTT-Message Clipboard Option to copy the message payload to clipboard Service menus at publish and subscription panel: now you can clear received messages buffer and the recent topics… Continue Reading MQTT.fx 0.0.10 released

ShichimiFX – Yet another JavaFX utils lib

ShichimiFX is a small lib containing helper/util classes extracted from my other projects which I commonly need. The lib will be extended if it turns out that I need a util class in more than one project… (Shichimi is my favorite Japanese spice mixture) And yes it also yet another utils lib containing (among others):… Continue Reading ShichimiFX – Yet another JavaFX utils lib

The JDK 8u20 “Tap trap”

When switching MQTT.fx to JDK 8u20 I was nicked by the fix of RT-24658. The fix definitely makes sense but may clash with my TabPaneDetacher approach. In MQTT.fx the content of the Tabs is disabled as long the MQTT-Broker is not connected. And I am using Property Bindings for this. E.g. in the PublishController “publishBox”… Continue Reading The JDK 8u20 “Tap trap”

FontAwesomeFX 8.0.10 released

FontAwesomeFX 8.0.10 introduces Stacked Icons and FXML support Binaries: Download Sources: Bitbucket Maven: <dependency> <groupId>de.jensd</groupId> <artifactId>fontawesomefx</artifactId> <version>8.0.10</version> </dependency> Stacked Icons FontAwesome is featuring Stacked Icons which is clearly also for JavaFX Applications this is a useful feature. To support Stackend Icons FontAwesomeFX 8.0.10 comes with two new classes: AwesomeIconsStack and Icon. AwesomeIconsStack is basically a… Continue Reading FontAwesomeFX 8.0.10 released