Between 0 and 1 – PWM with Raspberry Pi

Between 0 and 1 – PWM with Raspberry Pi

Switch on and off an LED and let run a motor at one speed and direction is easy, but what if I want to e.g. control the brightness of an LED or control motor-speed? A kind of analog signal is needed: This is done with Pulse-width modulation (PWM). PWM is a “modulation technique that conforms… Continue Reading Between 0 and 1 – PWM with Raspberry Pi

RasPi does the Home Automation (Part IV): Cut the ‘rope’

Hi all, until now all UI-Actions to control my wireless gears had to run directly on the Pi which controls the remote as e.g. deviceControl.turnOn(device); is called. But now I’d rather make a web service available for this purpose to be more independently. Question is: Which server should I use? Apache/PHP: too less Java 😉… Continue Reading RasPi does the Home Automation (Part IV): Cut the ‘rope’

RasPi does the Home Automation (Part III): ‘Let’s Put It All Together’

Hi, now it’s time to put it all together: 1st: a mini Custom Control for each gear, looking like this: Its controller takes a Device to trigger DeviceControl to switch the radio controlled gears: public class DevicePane extends AnchorPane { @FXML private Button offButton; @FXML private Button onButton; @FXML private Text deviceNameText; public DevicePane(Device device)… Continue Reading RasPi does the Home Automation (Part III): ‘Let’s Put It All Together’

RasPi does the Home Automation (Part II): Crossing the bridge to JavaFX

Hi, before JavaFX can take over, I need some bottom-up stuff to control my Intertechno-Devices. Basically this is the schema: Right now I have 2 radio intermediate adapters to switch the lights of my terrace/garden and the fountain. And one of these to control the lights in front of my house (cool: can be combined… Continue Reading RasPi does the Home Automation (Part II): Crossing the bridge to JavaFX

RasPi does the Home Automation (Part I): Setting up the Pi

Hi all, it’s some time ago since my last post as I was very busy due to other projects. But I still intent to control my wireless power outlets with the Raspberry. The hardware In the meantime the receiver/transmitter components arrived from Hong Kong (took some weeks, but 8€ (incl. shipping!) for 5 pairs of… Continue Reading RasPi does the Home Automation (Part I): Setting up the Pi